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home > suriname

suriname informations map weather road map countries cities

countries cities suriname informations map weather road map

suriname flag

country suriname flag
suriname flag

informations about suriname

suriname capital : paramaribo
suriname languages : dutch
suriname currency : surinamese dollar SRD

suriname area : 163 270 km2
suriname population : 520 000

suriname iso code alpha 2 : SR
suriname iso code alpha 3 : SUR

how to call suriname

call to suriname with the international phone country code 597

suriname map

country suriname map

suriname cities

country suriname cities

informations map city CARL-FRANCOISCARL-FRANCOIS weather

informations map city FLORAFLORA weather

informations map city FRIENDSHIPFRIENDSHIP weather

informations map city LELYDORPLELYDORP weather

informations map city MEERZORGMEERZORG weather

informations map city NICKERIENICKERIE weather

informations map city NIEUW-NICKERIENIEUW-NICKERIE weather

informations map city ONVERWACHTONVERWACHT weather

informations map city PARAMARIBOPARAMARIBO weather

informations map city ZORG-EN-HOOPZORG-EN-HOOP weather

home > suriname


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