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home > nepal

nepal informations map weather road map countries cities

countries cities nepal informations map weather road map

nepal flag

country nepal flag
nepal flag

informations about nepal

nepal capital : kathmandu
nepal languages : nepali
nepal currency : nepalese rupee NPR

nepal area : 147 180 km2
nepal population : 29 890 000

nepal iso code alpha 2 : NP
nepal iso code alpha 3 : NPL

how to call nepal

call to nepal with the international phone country code 977

nepal map

country nepal map

nepal cities

country nepal cities

informations map city BAGLUNGBAGLUNG weather

informations map city BAIJNATHPURWABAIJNATHPURWA weather

informations map city BALAJUBALAJU weather

informations map city BANDIPURBANDIPUR weather

informations map city BANEPABANEPA weather

informations map city BANESWARBANESWAR weather

informations map city BANKEBANKE weather

informations map city BATHALABATHALA weather

informations map city BELANIBELANI weather

informations map city BENIBENI weather

informations map city BHADRAPURBHADRAPUR weather

informations map city BHAIRAHAWABHAIRAHAWA weather

informations map city BHAIRAWABHAIRAWA weather

informations map city BHAKTAPURBHAKTAPUR weather

informations map city BHARATPURBHARATPUR weather

informations map city BIRATNAGARBIRATNAGAR weather

informations map city BIRGANJBIRGANJ weather

informations map city BIRGUNJBIRGUNJ weather

informations map city BIRKOTBIRKOT weather

informations map city BUTWALBUTWAL weather

informations map city CHARIKOTCHARIKOT weather

informations map city CHILHACHILHA weather

informations map city DAMANDAMAN weather

informations map city DHADINGDHADING weather

informations map city DHANGADHIDHANGADHI weather

informations map city DHARANDHARAN weather

informations map city DHULIKHELDHULIKHEL weather

informations map city GORKHAGORKHA weather

informations map city GULARIYAGULARIYA weather

informations map city HETAUDAHETAUDA weather

informations map city HETAUDA-BAZARHETAUDA-BAZAR weather

informations map city ITAHARIITAHARI weather

informations map city JANAKPURJANAKPUR weather

informations map city JAWALAKHELJAWALAKHEL weather

informations map city JHAPAJHAPA weather

informations map city KAILALIKAILALI weather

informations map city KALAIYAKALAIYA weather

informations map city KANDRANG-GARHIKANDRANG-GARHI weather

informations map city KATHMANDUKATHMANDU weather

informations map city KATMANDUKATMANDU weather

informations map city KIRTIPURKIRTIPUR weather

informations map city KUNCHHAKUNCHHA weather

informations map city LAHANLAHAN weather

informations map city LALITPURLALITPUR weather

informations map city NARAYANGADHNARAYANGADH weather

informations map city NARAYANGARHNARAYANGARH weather

informations map city NARAYANGHATNARAYANGHAT weather

informations map city NEPALGANJNEPALGANJ weather

informations map city NUWAKOTNUWAKOT weather

informations map city PALPAPALPA weather

informations map city PALUNGPALUNG weather

informations map city PARASIPARASI weather

informations map city PATANPATAN weather

informations map city PATHARKOTPATHARKOT weather

informations map city PHIDIMPHIDIM weather

informations map city POKHARAPOKHARA weather

informations map city SANKHUSANKHU weather

informations map city SIDDHARTHANAGARSIDDHARTHANAGAR weather

informations map city SIMARASIMARA weather

informations map city SINDHULI-GADHISINDHULI-GADHI weather

informations map city SIRAHASIRAHA weather

informations map city SISAGHAT-BAZARSISAGHAT-BAZAR weather

informations map city SYANGJASYANGJA weather

informations map city TAMGHASTAMGHAS weather

informations map city TANSENTANSEN weather

informations map city TIKAPURTIKAPUR weather

informations map city WALINGWALING weather

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