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home > malawi

malawi informations map weather road map countries cities

countries cities malawi informations map weather road map

malawi flag

country malawi flag
malawi flag

informations about malawi

malawi capital : lilongwe
malawi languages : english , chichewa
malawi currency : kwacha MWK

malawi area : 118 845 km2
malawi population : 15 805 000

malawi iso code alpha 2 : MW
malawi iso code alpha 3 : MWI

how to call malawi

call to malawi with the international phone country code 265

malawi map

country malawi map

malawi cities

country malawi cities

informations map city BLANTYREBLANTYRE weather

informations map city CHIKWAWACHIKWAWA weather

informations map city KASUNGUKASUNGU weather

informations map city LILONGWELILONGWE weather

informations map city LIMBELIMBE weather

informations map city LUMBADZILUMBADZI weather

informations map city MADEMADE weather

informations map city MANGOCHIMANGOCHI weather

informations map city MCHINJIMCHINJI weather

informations map city MONKEY-BAYMONKEY-BAY weather

informations map city MULANJEMULANJE weather

informations map city MZUZUMZUZU weather

informations map city NAMADZINAMADZI weather

informations map city NKHATA-BAYNKHATA-BAY weather

informations map city NTCHISINTCHISI weather

informations map city THYOLOTHYOLO weather

informations map city ZOMBAZOMBA weather

home > malawi


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