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home > niger

niger informations map weather road map countries cities

countries cities niger informations map weather road map

niger flag

country niger flag
niger flag

informations about niger

niger capital : niamey
niger languages : french
niger currency : west african CFA franc XOF

niger area : 1 267 000 km2
niger population : 18 045 000

niger iso code alpha 2 : NE
niger iso code alpha 3 : NER

how to call niger

call to niger with the international phone country code 227

niger map

country niger map

niger cities

country niger cities

informations map city AGADEZAGADEZ weather

informations map city ARLITARLIT weather

informations map city DIFFADIFFA weather

informations map city GOUREGOURE weather

informations map city ILLELAILLELA weather

informations map city KABAKABA weather

informations map city MALBAZAMALBAZA weather

informations map city MARADIMARADI weather

informations map city NIAMEYNIAMEY weather

informations map city TAHOUATAHOUA weather

home > niger


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