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home > jordan

jordan informations map weather road map countries cities

countries cities jordan informations map weather road map

jordan flag

country jordan flag
jordan flag

informations about jordan

jordan capital : amman
jordan languages : arabic
jordan currency : jordanian dinar JOD

jordan area : 92 300 km2
jordan population : 7 930 000

jordan iso code alpha 2 : JO
jordan iso code alpha 3 : JOR

how to call jordan

call to jordan with the international phone country code 962

jordan map

country jordan map

jordan cities

country jordan cities

informations map city ABU-ALANDAABU-ALANDA weather

informations map city ABU-AS-SALIHABU-AS-SALIH weather

informations map city ADJLUNADJLUN weather

informations map city AL-HUMMARAL-HUMMAR weather

informations map city AL-JUBAYHAHAL-JUBAYHAH weather

informations map city AL-KAMSHAHAL-KAMSHAH weather

informations map city AL-KARAKAL-KARAK weather

informations map city AL-KARAMAHAL-KARAMAH weather

informations map city AL-MAFRAQAL-MAFRAQ weather

informations map city AL-MAHATTAHAL-MAHATTAH weather

informations map city AL-MUQABALAYNAL-MUQABALAYN weather

informations map city AL-QARTU-IYAHAL-QARTU-IYAH weather

informations map city AL-SALTAL-SALT weather

informations map city AMMANAMMAN weather

informations map city AN-NUWAYJISAN-NUWAYJIS weather

informations map city AR-RABAHIYAHAR-RABAHIYAH weather

informations map city AR-RAMTHAAR-RAMTHA weather

informations map city AR-RASHADAHAR-RASHADAH weather

informations map city AR-RIWAQAR-RIWAQ weather

informations map city AR-RUMMANAR-RUMMAN weather

informations map city AS-SALTAS-SALT weather

informations map city AS-SAQRAHAS-SAQRAH weather

informations map city AS-SAWALIHAHAS-SAWALIHAH weather

informations map city AT-TURRAHAT-TURRAH weather

informations map city AYDUNAYDUN weather

informations map city AZ-ZARQAAZ-ZARQA weather

informations map city AZ-ZUNAYYAHAZ-ZUNAYYAH weather

informations map city AZRAQAZRAQ weather

informations map city BALILABALILA weather

informations map city BAYT-ZIR-AHBAYT-ZIR-AH weather

informations map city BELALBELAL weather

informations map city BURMABURMA weather

informations map city BUSAYRABUSAYRA weather

informations map city BUSHRABUSHRA weather

informations map city DEIR-EL-LIYYATDEIR-EL-LIYYAT weather

informations map city DULAYLAT-AL-HAMA-IDAHDULAYLAT-AL-HAMA-IDAH weather

informations map city FARAHFARAH weather

informations map city FUHEISFUHEIS weather

informations map city HAMHAM weather

informations map city HATEMHATEM weather

informations map city HATIMHATIM weather

informations map city HOSHAHOSHA weather

informations map city HUSNHUSN weather

informations map city IRBIDIRBID weather

informations map city IRJANIRJAN weather

informations map city JARASHJARASH weather

informations map city JAWAJAWA weather

informations map city JERASHJERASH weather

informations map city JEREIBAJEREIBA weather

informations map city JOHFIYAJOHFIYA weather

informations map city JUBEIHAJUBEIHA weather

informations map city KARAKKARAK weather

informations map city KHILDAKHILDA weather

informations map city KHIRBAT-AR-RUSAYFAHKHIRBAT-AR-RUSAYFAH weather

informations map city MADABAMADABA weather

informations map city MAFRAQMAFRAQ weather

informations map city MAHAYYMAHAYY weather

informations map city MAHISMAHIS weather

informations map city MALKAMALKA weather

informations map city MANJAMANJA weather

informations map city MARKAMARKA weather

informations map city MARKAHMARKAH weather

informations map city MOBISMOBIS weather

informations map city PETRAPETRA weather

informations map city PHILADELPHIAPHILADELPHIA weather

informations map city QAFQAFAQAFQAFA weather

informations map city QATARQATAR weather

informations map city RABBAHRABBAH weather

informations map city RAMTHARAMTHA weather

informations map city RAYMUNRAYMUN weather

informations map city SABHASABHA weather

informations map city SAFISAFI weather

informations map city SAFUTSAFUT weather

informations map city SAHA-ABU-JABIRSAHA-ABU-JABIR weather

informations map city SAHABSAHAB weather

informations map city SALSAL weather

informations map city SALTSALT weather

informations map city SAMASAMA weather

informations map city SAMADSAMAD weather

informations map city SAMRASAMRA weather

informations map city SUFSUF weather

informations map city SUFAHSUFAH weather

informations map city SUWAYMAHSUWAYMAH weather

informations map city SWEILEHSWEILEH weather

informations map city TABARBAURTABARBAUR weather

informations map city TAFILATAFILA weather

informations map city UMM-NUWARAHUMM-NUWARAH weather

informations map city UMM-QANTARAHUMM-QANTARAH weather

informations map city WADI-AS-SIRWADI-AS-SIR weather

informations map city WADI-MUSAWADI-MUSA weather

informations map city YARQAYARQA weather

informations map city ZABDAHZABDAH weather

informations map city ZARQAZARQA weather

informations map city ZERKAZERKA weather

home > jordan


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