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home > albania

albania informations map weather road map countries cities

countries cities albania informations map weather road map

albania flag

country albania flag
albania flag

informations about albania

albania capital : tirana
albania languages : albanian
albania currency : lek ALL

albania area : 28 750 km2
albania population : 2 822 000

albania iso code alpha 2 : AL
albania iso code alpha 3 : ALB

how to call albania

call to albania with the international phone country code 355

albania map

country albania map

albania cities

country albania cities

informations map city AGIMAGIM weather

informations map city ANDREAANDREA weather

informations map city ARTAARTA weather

informations map city BAJRAMBAJRAM weather

informations map city BAJRAM-CURRBAJRAM-CURR weather

informations map city BAJRAM-CURRIBAJRAM-CURRI weather

informations map city BANJEBANJE weather

informations map city BATHOREBATHORE weather

informations map city BERANBERAN weather

informations map city BERATBERAT weather

informations map city BERISHABERISHA weather

informations map city BLERIMBLERIM weather

informations map city BORIZANEBORIZANE weather

informations map city BRRUTBRRUT weather

informations map city BUCAJBUCAJ weather

informations map city BURIMBURIM weather

informations map city BURRELBURREL weather

informations map city BUSHATBUSHAT weather

informations map city CARRICARRI weather

informations map city CERRIKCERRIK weather

informations map city CRAPCRAP weather

informations map city DAMARKAJDAMARKAJ weather

informations map city DIVJAKADIVJAKA weather

informations map city DIVJAKEDIVJAKE weather

informations map city DUKAGJINIDUKAGJINI weather

informations map city DURRESDURRES weather

informations map city DUSHIDUSHI weather

informations map city ELBASANELBASAN weather

informations map city FIERFIER weather

informations map city FIER-I-RIFIER-I-RI weather

informations map city FISHTAFISHTA weather

informations map city FUSH-KRUJAFUSH-KRUJA weather

informations map city FUSHE-KRUJEFUSHE-KRUJE weather

informations map city GERMANGERMAN weather

informations map city GJADRIGJADRI weather

informations map city GJIROKASTERGJIROKASTER weather

informations map city GOLEMGOLEM weather

informations map city GORAGORA weather

informations map city GRAMSHGRAMSH weather

informations map city GRILLGRILL weather

informations map city HAMILHAMIL weather

informations map city HASANIHASANI weather

informations map city HIMAREHIMARE weather

informations map city HOXHAHOXHA weather

informations map city KAMENICKAMENIC weather

informations map city KAMENICAKAMENICA weather

informations map city KAMENICEKAMENICE weather

informations map city KAMEZKAMEZ weather

informations map city KAMZEKAMZE weather

informations map city KASHARKASHAR weather

informations map city KAVAJEKAVAJE weather

informations map city KENETAKENETA weather

informations map city KERRABEKERRABE weather

informations map city KLOSKLOS weather

informations map city KODRAKODRA weather

informations map city KOPLIKKOPLIK weather

informations map city KORCAKORCA weather

informations map city KORCEKORCE weather

informations map city KOSOV-E-MALEKOSOV-E-MALE weather

informations map city KOSOV-E-VOGELKOSOV-E-VOGEL weather

informations map city KOSOVAKOSOVA weather

informations map city KOSOVA-E-MADHEKOSOVA-E-MADHE weather

informations map city KOSOVA-I-MADHEKOSOVA-I-MADHE weather

informations map city KOSOVEKOSOVE weather

informations map city KRASNIQIKRASNIQI weather

informations map city KRUJEKRUJE weather

informations map city KRUMEKRUME weather

informations map city KRYEZIUKRYEZIU weather

informations map city KUCOVAKUCOVA weather

informations map city KUCOVEKUCOVE weather

informations map city KUKESKUKES weather

informations map city KURBNESHKURBNESH weather

informations map city KUTALLIKUTALLI weather

informations map city LACLAC weather

informations map city LESHANLESHAN weather

informations map city LEZHALEZHA weather

informations map city LEZHELEZHE weather

informations map city LIBRAZHDLIBRAZHD weather

informations map city LUMILUMI weather

informations map city LUSHNJALUSHNJA weather

informations map city LUSHNJELUSHNJE weather

informations map city LUZILUZI weather

informations map city MALOKUMALOKU weather

informations map city MAMURRASMAMURRAS weather

informations map city MANEZMANEZ weather

informations map city MEHMETMEHMET weather

informations map city MEHMETIMEHMETI weather

informations map city METAJMETAJ weather

informations map city MILOTMILOT weather

informations map city MISAMISA weather

informations map city MORINAMORINA weather

informations map city MUHURMUHUR weather

informations map city NIKOLIQNIKOLIQ weather

informations map city NONGATNONGAT weather

informations map city NOVANOVA weather

informations map city PAPERPAPER weather

informations map city PECAPECA weather

informations map city PEQINPEQIN weather

informations map city PERCALLPERCALL weather

informations map city PESHKOPIPESHKOPI weather

informations map city PLANETPLANET weather

informations map city POGRADECPOGRADEC weather

informations map city POLICANPOLICAN weather

informations map city POLJEPOLJE weather

informations map city PUKEPUKE weather

informations map city QAFAQAFA weather

informations map city QENDRAQENDRA weather

informations map city QORRAJQORRAJ weather

informations map city REJAREJA weather

informations map city ROSKOVECROSKOVEC weather

informations map city RROGOZHINERROGOZHINE weather

informations map city RUBIKRUBIK weather

informations map city SARANDASARANDA weather

informations map city SARANDESARANDE weather

informations map city SELCASELCA weather

informations map city SERVICESERVICE weather

informations map city SHABANSHABAN weather

informations map city SHABANISHABANI weather

informations map city SHALASHALA weather

informations map city SHENSHEN weather

informations map city SHENGJINSHENGJIN weather

informations map city SHIJAKSHIJAK weather

informations map city SHKELZENSHKELZEN weather

informations map city SHKODERSHKODER weather

informations map city SHKODRASHKODRA weather

informations map city SKENDERAJSKENDERAJ weather

informations map city SKENDERBEJSKENDERBEJ weather

informations map city SKENDERBEUSKENDERBEU weather

informations map city SORAVASORAVA weather

informations map city SPANESHISPANESHI weather

informations map city TEPELENETEPELENE weather

informations map city TILAJTILAJ weather

informations map city TIRANATIRANA weather

informations map city TIRANETIRANE weather

informations map city TROPOJATROPOJA weather

informations map city ULZEULZE weather

informations map city URA-VAJGUROREURA-VAJGURORE weather

informations map city URUCURUC weather

informations map city VALAVALA weather

informations map city VALONAVALONA weather

informations map city VILEZAVILEZA weather

informations map city VLORAVLORA weather

informations map city VLOREVLORE weather

informations map city VOREVORE weather

informations map city YZBERISHTYZBERISHT weather

informations map city ZALLIZALLI weather

informations map city ZOGAJZOGAJ weather

home > albania


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